Street Fair

I tried my hand at a little street fair this year.

This was an artist’s garage sale put on by our local arts center. It was fun. I saw a lot of friends, students and sold a few things. Not sure I want to do this too often though. but maybe… who knows.

I was positioned right by the porta-pottie and at first I was upset by this. But it turned out to be a great location. First, there was no booth right next to me, so it gave me quite a bit of extra display space. Secondly, everyone! walked past my booth at least once. Including other vendors, artists and organizers. Plus, I was running the booth solo and this allowed me to take care of nature’s call much more easily.

It was fun to see some of my really old art out and appreciated for the first time in a few decades. Plus I was able to make a bit more room in the storage area due to sales of those larger pieces.

If you missed it and wish you got your hands on something.. drop me a line to see what is still available. One of these days I will get my online store together. 🙂


Author: Cynthia

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